Join the Trefoil Guild
- If you were in Guiding or Scouting and enjoyed the camaraderie and meeting friends with a similar outlook!
- If you are having a break from Guiding or Scouting you will find Trefoil Guild is the place to be!
- If you hold a role in Girlguiding or are a Scout you will find joining the Trefoil Guild is for you!
- Even if you have never been involved in either Guiding or Scouting, there is always a warm welcome for anyone who likes the idea of learning something new, meeting new people or getting involved in local Guiding & Scouting projects.
You can become a member:
Full MembershipIf you are 18 or over, have been a member of either Guiding or The Scout Association, or are willing to make the Guide or Scout Promise.
Associate Membership
If you have a role in Girlguiding or Hold a Scouter's unit appointment card.
Affiliated Membership
If you subscribe to the aims and principles of the two Associations but are not able to make the Promise
Our aims are:
- To live in the spirit of Guiding
- To offer practical help to Girlguiding Bermuda
- To support Guiding worldwide