Brownies make this simple Promise that they share with members around the world:
I promise that I will
         Do my best
To be true to myself and develop by beliefs
   To serve the Queen 
     and my community 
   To help other people
and To keep the
      Brownie Guide Law
Brownie Uniform
available at the Guide Shop
  • Yellow Brownie Polo $15 
  • Yellow Brownie Vest $16 
  • Brownie Skorts 
    $30 (xs; sm; med.) $35 (youth 12-14; 16-18)
  • Brownie Jacket $35 (Optional) 
  • Brownie Sweatshirt $10 (Optional) Only size 26" available.
  • Brown Socks or tights
    Available at a store that sells school uniforms
  • Brown or Black Shoes


The Guide Shop is located at Lady Asser Hut
Oopen on the 2nd and 4th Saturday
Hours of operation 10:00 - 12 Noon.   
Operates from September-June. 
Cash or cheque only.


Newsletter Signup





The Brownies Guide Law is

A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.

Girls age 7-10

Brownie meetings are full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves.

When a girl starts Brownies, she joins a group called a Six. This gives her a ready-made circle of friends. She also may receive Becoming a Brownie, an activity book that contains the Brownie story, which helps her understand what Brownies is all about.

Girls can participate in a wide range of activities at their regular meetings, and at special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays. They can find themselves trying out arts and crafts or recipes, playing energetic games, and taking part in community action projects.

Girls can also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards interest badges covering many different hobbies and activities from Science investigator to Circus skills.

The Brownie Adventure is divided into three areas:

  • you
  • community
  • world

More in-depth information of the three Brownie Adventure areas can be found at:  Brownie Programme

The Brownie website is an interactive feast, with games and activities, and the chance to contribute to the book club and advice column:  Brownies Website


Brownie Units by Meeting Locations 

 Smith's Parish

1st Devonshire - St. Patrick's Church

every other Wednesday 4:15-5:45

Pembroke Parish - Asser Hut (next to BHS)

1st Pembroke 

Mondays 4:00-5:30

1st Devonshire

every other Sunday 3-5

Website development partially sponsored by
Capital G Bank
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